Buying $MU
how to get your hands on Mu Coin $MU
Mu Coin $MU is available for trading on decentralized exchanges.
You can get Mu Coin on Trader Joe's or Sushi Swap
You will most likely need to add the Mu Coin $MU contract address 0xd036414fa2bcbb802691491e323bff1348c5f4ba in the token list.
Remember Mu Coin $MU is built on the Avalanche (AVAX) network.
To buy Mu Coin $MU you will need a wallet like Meta Mask and some funds on the Avalanche network, like AVAX. But you can use pretty much any crypto asset on the Avalanche network thanks to the routers.
Mu Coin $MU has direct liquidity pools with $USDC.e, $AVAX, $USDT.e, $DAI.e, and $MIM
Each pair has a slightly different price (to encourage arbitrage trading) so you might shop around for price if you want the best trade.
Trader Joe's:
Sushi Swap:
Last updated
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